Exceptional Children » Speech Language Services

Speech Language Services

Speech Language Services

Services are provided to eligible children ages 3-21 years.  These services are provided by nationally certified and NC licensed speech-language pathologists or speech-language pathologist assistant working in the public school system. Services include evaluation and treatment of a variety of identified communication disorders.

Students determined to be eligible for speech/language services can receive services with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) having a primary eligibility as “Speech Impaired” or receive speech/language intervention as a related service should the IEP team determine other special education services are warranted.

Not all children qualify for school-based speech-language services even if they qualify for outpatient or clinical services. A doctor’s order or note does not guarantee speech therapy intervention will be provided in the school setting. Qualification for speech/language services is determined through school-based assessment involving a multidisciplinary team including parents, educators, special service providers, and sometimes the student (depending on age). Even if the student is determined to have communication needs, these needs must have an impact academically and/or functionally in the educational environment to qualify for school-based speech/language therapy services in the state of North Carolina.

NC School Based Speech Therapy