The Maintenance Department strives to provide as many services as possible but there are some things that we cannot or will not do. Here are some examples:
1. The Maintenance Department cannot rearrange rooms each school year. We will provide the initial installation of white boards, cork boards, etc. If the teacher wants them moved to another wall in the same classroom they will need to use the custodian to accomplish this.
2. We will not install electrical outlets where a power strip can be used to accomplish the task; consideration will be given to lower grades. We will not install electrical outlets to accommodate personal equipment.
3. The Maintenance Department does not install or maintain ponds or pools. The school PTO should perform most beautification work. The Maintenance Department must be notified, however if any project is to be undertaken which will somehow affect the facility services, i.e. water, sewer, electricity, etc.
4. The Maintenance Department does not install playground equipment. This should be done by facilities at new schools. When the school purchases playground equipment the purchase contract should include the installation of that equipment. We will maintain the playground equipment once it is put in place. Schools are responsible to insure that vendors or installers of playground equipment meet all DPI and State recommended requirements for the installation.
5. The maintenance department will not build custom cabinets or shelving. Cabinets can be purchased with school furniture funds.
6. The Maintenance Department does not install flowerbeds or plant flowers for the school. As previously stated the school or parent support groups accomplish most beautification work.
7. The Maintenance Department does not purchase or install marquee type signs for schools. The sign that is supplied with the building will be maintained by the department but any upgrade or installation of new signage will be paid for by the school. This includes wiring and landscaping for new signs. We will, however supply most signage required by the schools for purposes, i.e. traffic signs, No Parking signs.
8. The Maintenance Department will not respond to a single ballast out in a school. Please wait until you have three or more before submitting a work request.
9. The Maintenance Department does not currently employ painters. The summer work crews are available to complete most painting requirements. Be aware that each school is responsible for the purchase of painting supplies for the summer crew. Any work that you believe to be above the scope of the summer crew should be forwarded to the Maintenance Department for review.
10. The Maintenance Department does not install and align projectors for electronic white boards. We do, however, provide the outlet needed to power the projector and will mount the board to the wall. For information on purchasing and mounting electronic white boards, the school administrator should contact the Chief Technology Officer.
11. The Maintenance Department does not relocate existing mounted electronic white boards. The school will need to contact an independent contractor for this.