Academically/Intellectually Gifted » Meet Our AIG Specialists

Meet Our AIG Specialists

SCS AIG Specialists are trained in the identification and services of gifted learners.  Serving gifted learners is truly their passion.  Each elementary and high school has an assigned Specialist dedicated to the needs of gifted learners.  Feel free to reach out to your child's school Specialist regarding gifted learning questions.
While gifted learners in grades 9-12 do not have an assigned AIG Specialist, they do have access to a variety of Honors courses, as well as dual enrollment courses, Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses, apprenticeships, and internships.  Dual enrollment classes, such as Advanced Placement (AP) or Career and College Pathway (CCP), offer students a chance to earn both high school and college credit.  The Credit by Demonstrated Mastery process is also available.  To learn more about any of these opportunities, please contact the guidance counselor at your child's high school.
Elementary Schools
School Specialist Contact Information
Aquadale  Angie Scaffe
Badin Angie Scaffe
Central Amy Cord
East Albemarle Pam Hyatt
Endy Amy Cord
Locust Pam Hyatt
Millingport Pam Hyatt
Norwood Amy Cord
Oakboro STEM Angie Scaffe
Richfield Amy Cord
Stanfield Pam Hyatt
Middle Schools
School Specialist Contact Information
Albemarle Middle Amanda Horton 704-961-3400
North Stanly Middle
Kellyn Brooks
and Bob Klinger
Oakboro STEM Angie Scaffe 704-961-4700
South Stanly Middle Barbara Ward 704-961-5700
West Stanly Middle Teresa Ingle 704-961-3600
Program Director:  Lynn Plummer - [email protected]