Academically/Intellectually Gifted » AIG Frequently Asked Questions

AIG Frequently Asked Questions

What does AIG stand for?

Academically and Intellectually Gifted

Gifted children give evidence of high performance capability in intellectual and academic fields, and require services to fully develop potential.


When are students screened?

All students are formally screened beginning in 3rd grade using the 3rd grade BOG.  End of Grade Tests are also screened yearly in grades 3-8. Outside of this screening, teachers and parents can request screening at any time but that does not ensure testing and/or identification.


How are students screened?

Screening involves using a combination of 90th percentile or above in multiple criteria including:

  • Classroom performance
    • Report card grades
    • Portfolio of work samples
    • Performance tasks
  • Achievement Tests
  • Aptitude Tests


What is a Differentiated Education Plan?

The purpose of the Differentiated Education Plan (DEP) is to provide a differentiation plan for an identified Academically/ Intellectually Gifted student in the SCS gifted education program. The DEP reflects service delivery options, differentiation and content modification opportunities. A DEP is completed annually for all K-12 students. This document also provides an annual review of services for an identified AIG student and the recommendation for the next grade level.


Who should I contact with questions about the program?


Anyone with questions relating to screening or services from the program should contact the specialist assigned to their school.  See the AIG Specialists page for names and information.


District AIG Director:  Lynn Plummer - [email protected]