Extended Content Standards

Extended Content Standards(ECS) Overview

The Extended Content Standard(ECS) program is designed for students who have a significant cognitive disability. ECS classrooms are typically smaller settings with fewer students so teachers are able to focus on specific individual needs. Students enrolled in the ECS classroom participate in an alternate curriculum called the Extended Content Standards of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. This curriculum teaches the essential elements of the traditional course of study (English, Math, Science, Social Studies), along with addressing other educational needs to prepare students for real-life areas such as employment, independent living and recreation/leisure. 

Students enrolled in ECS are assessed on achievement in an alternate curriculum using the North Carolina Extend I Assessment.

Students enrolled in ECS leave high school with a Graduation Certificate, and participate in graduation exercises with their peers. Students in ECS do NOT receive a North Carolina Diploma. Students with disabilities, including those who are enrolled in ECS, are eligible to remain in school through the end of the academic year during which the student turns 22 years of age. (NC G.S. 1501-1.2)

Criteria for Placement

Extended Content Standards classroom is designed for students with disabilities who:

*Have a current IEP;

*Are instructed in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study Extended Content Standards in ALL assessed content areas; 

*Have a significant cognitive disability (i.e., exhibit severe and pervasive delays in ALL areas of conceptual, linguistic and academic development and also in adaptive behavior areas, such as communication, daily living skills and self-care.

Please click on the link below for a listing of the North Carolina Extended Content Standards.
