Public Notice

This notice is to inform registered Private Schools that the Stanly County School System is planning to submit an application for the following federally funded programs:  Title I Part A - Improving Academic Achievement of Disadvantaged Students, Basic Programs, Title II Part A - Professional Development for Teachers, Principals and others, Title III - Language Acquisition for EL Students, Title VI Part  A - Student Support and Academic Enrichment, Title VI Part B - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 21st Century Afterschool Programs and Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education (CTE) Act for the 2019-2020 school year.  These Federal programs make provisions for the participation of children who live in the Stanly County attendance area, but are currently enrolled in nonprofit private schools.

In accordance with federal non-regulatory guidance guidelines on services to non-public schools, Stanly County Schools extends an invitation to a virtual meeting on Friday, May 10th at 10:00 AM. During this meeting, we will further discuss requirements and provisions of services to private schools. Please notify Susan Brooks at the Stanly County Board of Education at 704-961-3014 or [email protected] to receive a registration link to join the virtual meeting. This meeting is only for those private schools within the Stanly County Schools attendance area and registered on the NC State Nonpublic School site.