Human Resources

The personnel department is honored to serve as a partner in attracting and retaining high quality staff to provide our students an educational foundation to promote career and college readiness, lifelong learning, and citizenship.
Lydia Hedrick
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Coordinator for complaints of noncompliance with Title VI or Title IX of the Civil Rights Act, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Age Discrimination Act, or alleging actions which would be prohibited by those laws.


Questions or Concerns:   704-961-3000      [email protected]

HR Operations Supervisor
  • Licensure
  • New Hires
  • HRMS
  • Absence Management (Aesop)
  • Verification of Employment
Human Resources Specialist &
Public Relations
  • New Employee Onboarding
  • Verification of Employment
  • Public Relations 
Retirement &
Employee Leave Administrator
  • Retirement
  • Leaves of Absence
  • Workers Compensation
  • FMLA: Family Medical Leave Act
Human Resources Specialist
  • Workers Compensation
  • Leaves of Absence
  • FMLA: Family Medical Leave Act
  • Paid Parental Leave
  • New Employee Onboarding
Beginning Teacher Support &
Recruitment Coordinator
  • Beginning Teachers
  • Recruitment
  • Mentors
  • Student Teachers
Human Resources Specialist
  • Intake Applications - Volunteers
  • High School Transcript Requests
  • Lobby Front Desk
Human Resources Employee Specialist
  • Substitutes
               Job Board - Current Openings
Job Listings:
Stanly County Schools Jobs Board
                Click here to see available jobs
Notice of Non-Discrimination
In compliance with federal law, Stanly County Public School System administers all education programs, employment activities and admissions without discrimination against any person on the basis of gender,  race, color, religion, national origin, age or disability.

Equal Employment Opportunity
Stanly County Public School System programs are staffed and offered without regard to race, sex, age, color, religion, national origin,citizenship status, political affiliation, or disability.