Safety » SCS Safety

SCS Safety

School safety is a priority for our district. Every report received is taken seriously and investigated thoroughly. These investigations involve school administrators, district administrators, and our law enforcement partners SCS, law enforcement, community agencies and partners will remain vigilant to keep students and staff safe in every Stanly County Schools classroom, building and facility.
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• Please provide accurate emergency contact information to your child's school at the start of the year. 
• Update your contact information with school staff as soon as it changes.

Random Safety Checks


Random Safety Checks

One of our newest safety measures that we are implementing is random safety checks in our middle and high schools this year. A district team will conduct these random searches for the remainder of the school year with the help of the school administrative team and SRO. The district team will train the school administrators so that each school will have a team to conduct these searches beginning in the fall of 2023. We will notify the school admin team on the morning of the search and will go over the process of the search with students on the day of the search. The school and classrooms will be randomly selected on these days. Students will walk through the metal detector and bags will be searched.



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Communications During a Crisis

In today’s information on-demand society, it is easy to understand why expectations for immediate information about situations exist. We know students begin contacting their parents and sharing information on social media as soon as an incident occurs (or even in real time as it is unfolding) – a result of the times in which we live. However, this can lead to incomplete and often times incorrect information being conveyed.

  • As a district, we want to ensure we are communicating complete and accurate information to parents, the media and our community. Once we have resolved a situation or have secured the safety of our students and staff, we will communicate as quickly as we can. This response includes the return to normal operations, reunification of students with parents (if necessary), as well as communication with parents, staff and the media.
  • During emergency situations such as lockdowns or school evacuations, our priority is ensuring the safety of our students and staff and securing our campuses. Most times, we will not communicate until the situation is resolved.
  • We also are working with law enforcement and emergency management, following their instructions as they work to keep us safe and assist us with transition to alternative location if necessary.   





Unfortunately school districts experience threats. We are grateful for the assistance law enforcement has provides in assessing, identifying and resolving them.

Prank threats, regardless of the manner in which they are made, are crimes. They divert law enforcement’s time and attention from serving the needs of those in our community who really are experiencing an emergency and need help. Students who share prank posts and spread rumors about pranks can be just as accountable as the person who initiated it. 

If a student, parent, or community member becomes aware of a threat, it is important to speak up. Immediately, do the following:

  • Tell a responsible adult (parent, police officer, teacher, school administrator)
  • Never repost or share the threat on social media or other online platforms
  • Remember that time is of the essence – reporting the threat immediately allows the investigation of its validity to begin
  • See Something, Say Something Sandy Hook Promise


SCS Safety Resources
  • All schools are required to create and update a safety plan to be activated in an emergency. While the staff is trained to implement this plan, specific details in these plans are kept confidential to ensure maximum security effectiveness.
  • School Resource Officers (SROs) in schools are trained for emergencies, and the staff knows to contact law enforcement anytime there is a perceived threat to safety and security.
  • In addition to having SROs in our buildings, we have established safety protocols and procedures
    • security vestibule plans / access control
    • Raptor Technology provides background screening for all visitors, volunteers and guests, alerting staff when persons who should not be on campus attempt to be admitted.
    • security cameras on campuses and school buses
    • bullying and harassment reporting (Say Something)
    • safety tip line to report safety violations or concerns (Say something)
    • a process for signing students in and out of school
    • mandatory drills and safety audits
    • SAVE Clubs in all of our middle schools (Sandy Hook Promise)
  • Our district conducts safety drills and additional training throughout the year to ensure that our staff and students know what to do in the event of an emergency or crisis situation
  • District-wide safety committee develops and refines safety protocols for the district
  • District incident command team manages and coordinates district responses to emergencies and crises
  • Student mental health and support staff are always available, including counselors, psychologists, social work and partnerships for school-based mental health services. Parents can contact school staff if they notice disturbing changes in behavior or think their children may need mental/emotional support for any reason.
  • Additional protocols and procedures at every school and SCS facility are not disclosed to preserve safety and security.