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Celebrating Success!

Stanly Stars

Stanly Star Awards Program

Each month, Stanly County Schools recognizes two classified employees and
two certified employees through the Stanly Star award program. 
Employees are surprised at their respective schools by a visit from Superintendent, Dr. Dennis
and are given a $25 gift card sponsored by the Nehemiah Project. 

Thank you for being the light guiding our students and community to a brighter future!

Nehemiah Project
 Stanly County Schools would like to share this month's Stanly Star recipients! 
Richfield Elementary School:
Classified:  Heather Fitts, Exceptional Children Assistant
Certified:  Jessica Bolen, Curriculum Coach
West Stanly High School:
Classified:  Andi Shutt, Exceptional Children Assistant
Certified:  Dana Burleson, Exceptional Children Teacher