Board Approves Changes

The SCS Board of Education announced during a special called meeting on Thursday, October 28, the approval of a change to the 2021-22 school calendars. Friday, November 12, 2021, will now be a non-instructional day for all students and all employees. Thursday, November 11, 2021, will remain a holiday in observance of Veteran’s Day.

The SCS Board of Education clearly recognizes the fatigue, hard work, and unprecedented challenges the past year and a half have taken on our staff, students, and families throughout the community. As a Board, we believe that the well-being of everyone’s social and emotional health is crucial in continuing to push forward providing a safe, productive educational environment for our students. Please use this time to re-energize and plan for the coming days ahead. The Board of Education is truly thankful for all that you do and your diligent work has not gone unnoticed.  

The district is able to implement the change by using banked time that is built into the school calendar. The 1,025 required instructional hours will still be met for the school year.   

All athletic events, practices, and extracurricular activities may take place as scheduled on November 12.