School Nutrition » School Wellness

School Wellness

Want to make a difference in your school?
Join the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC). The SHAC develops and oversees the district's policies on School Wellness, which affect everything from how many minutes of physical education you get, to what's for lunch, to fundraisers. It's part of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model to give our kids the best possible education. To sign up, contact Dr. Carla Murray, Director of Student Services or Makayla Mabry, Director of Child Nutrition. If you'd prefer to join your school's wellness team, please contact your school principal.
Are We Making any Progress on School Wellness?
Every year, we compile and publish a report to share basic information about the wellness policy and report on the progress of our schools in meeting wellness goals. Want to see how your school is doing? The report will tell you the goals they selected for 2020-2021 and how they did with implementing them. We can provide the report in other languages if needed.

What is the WSCC model?

The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child, or WSCC model, is CDC’s framework for addressing health in schools. The WSCC model is student-centered and emphasizes the role of the community in supporting the school, the connections between health and academic achievement and the importance of evidence-based school policies and practices. The WSCC model has 10 components:

Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Graphic
  1. Physical education and physical activity.
  2. Nutrition environment and services.
  3. Health education.
  4. Social and emotional school climate.
  5. Physical environment.
  6. Health services.
  7. Counseling, psychological and social services.
  8. Employee wellness.
  9. Community involvement.
  10. Family engagement.